열린교육을 통한 환경교육 발전방향 -중학교 환경교육을 중심으로-

The Environmental Education through 'Open Education' focused on the environmental education in middle schools in Korea

  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


With a theme of the ‘Environmental Education in Middle Schools’ and ‘Open Education’, this study has been aimed to suggest the improvements for environmental education through ‘Open Education’, which is nowadays emphasized in Korea. This study suggests that the following should be concluded in the syllabic for the environmental education; the environmental problems and their relations to the environments] education, the establishment of the model of environmental education system, the goal of environmental education and its characteristics, the analysis of environment-related subjects' contents, the teaching-learning methods for environmental education, and the applications of ‘Open Education’ to the environmental education. This study has found that the ‘Open Education’ would play a great role in increasing the effect of the environmental education, and thus it strongly recommends, as a necessity, that teaching skills and text for it should be developed as soon as possible.
