통계적 추론에 있어서 베이지안과 고전적 방법(신뢰성 분석과 관련하여)

  • 박태룡 (서경대학교 이공대학 수학과)
  • Published : 1998.06.01


There are two approach methods widely in statistical inferences. First is sampling theory methods and the other is Bayesian methods. In this paper, we will introduce the most basic differences of the two approach methods. Especially, we investigate and introduce the historical origin of Bayesian methods in Statistical inferences which is currently used. Also, we introduce the some characteristics of sampling theory method and Bayesian methods.



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  3. Probability and the weighting of Evidence Good, I.J
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  6. Introduction to Probability and Stastics from Bayesian View point, Part Ⅰ, Probability and Part 2, Inference Lindley, D.V
  7. An Introduction to Bayesian Statistical Decision Processes Morgan, B.W
  8. The Foundation of Mathematics and Other Logical Essays Ramsey, F.P
  9. The Foundations of Statistics Savage, L.J