수학문제해결 수행에서의 메타인지에 대한 고찰

A Study on the Metacognition Mathematical Problem - Solving

  • 유승욱 (충남공주대학교 사범대학 부속고등학교)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.01


So far the studies on mathematical problem-solving education have failed to realize the anticipated result from students. The purpose of this study is to examine the reasons from the metacognitional viewpoint, and to think of making meta-items which enables learners to study through making effective use of the meaning of problem-solving and through establishing a general, well-organized theory on metacognition related to mathematic teaching guiedance. Metacognition means the understanding of knowledge of one's own and significance in the situation that can be reflection so as to express one's own knowledge and use it effectively when was questioned. Mathematics teacher can help students to learn how to control their behaviors by showing the strategy clearly, the decision and the behavior which are used in his own planning, supervising and estimating the solution process himself. If mathematics teachers want their students to be learners not simply knowing mathematical facts and processes, but being an active and positive, they should develop effective teaching methods. In fact, mathematics learning activities are accomplished under the complex condition arising from the factors of various cognition activities. therefore, mathematical education should consider various factors of feelings as well as a factor as fragmentary mathematical knowledge.
