Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea (한국경제지리학회지)
- Volume 1 Issue 2
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- Pages.21-42
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- 1998
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- 1226-8968(pISSN)
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- 2713-9115(eISSN)
Comparative Study of the Business Organization of Retailing in the Seoul and Taegu Metropolitan Areas
소매업 경영에서 본 수도권 지역과 대구권 지역의 비교
This paper aims at examining the regional comparison of the business organization of retailing in the Seoul and Taegu metropolitan areas, as an attempt to understand regional structure of retailing within metropolitan areas which represents the suburbanization. On the national level, retail sales have concentrated on larger metropolitan area, the Seoul metroplitan area, the first largest metropolitan area, having higher sales for population scale. While the Taegu metropolitan area, the third largest metropolitan area, appears to lower retail sales for population scale. In order to confirm such phenomenon, this paper is to analyze and to compare the industrial composition of retailing by industry in 1991 of Seoul with that of Taegu. And this paper is to analyze the regional comparison of business organization of retailing: the percents of establishments under four employees, of juridical establishments, of employees of ordinary times, the annual sales per establishment of retailing. And the characteristics of business organization of retailing by industry are analyzed by principal components analysis, and the explanation of the types with component in each district(city, county, ward) is analyzed by cluster analysis(Ward method). The data of 1991 were obtained from the statistics in the Report on Establishment Census(Vol.3 Wholesale and Retail Trade) published by the National Statistics Office. The results are as follows: 1. The composition of retailing by industry in Seoul metropolitan area by annual sales in 1991 is characterized as appeared very higher composition rates of retailing of textiles, clothing, footwear and apparel accessaries', ‘retailing of furniture, home furnishings and equipment’, retailing of jewellery and watches’, ‘retailing of printed matter and stationery’, ‘retailing of personal transport equipment and gasoline service stations’, and ‘general merchandise stores’. But in Taegu metropolitan area, ‘retailing of food, beverages and tobacco’, ‘retailing of drugs, cosmetics and other chemical goods’, 'retailing household fuel’, and ‘genernal retail trade, n.e.c.’appears very high. Therefore Seoul metropolitan area has larger business scale and retailing of shopping goods has developed than Taegu metropolitan area.
우리나라에서 인구규모 이상으로 소매 구매력이 가장 큰 수도권 지역과 3대 도시권으로 구매력이 인구규모보다 작은 대구권 지역의 소매업 경영을 공간적으로 비교한 결과 다음과 같은 점이 밝혀졌다 첫째, 수도권 지역은 소매업의 경영규모가 크고 쇼핑재화 소매업의 구성비가 높은데 비하여, 대구권 지역은 편의재화 소매업의 구성비가 높은 것이 특징이다. 둘째, 대구권 지역은 수도권 지역보다 소매업 중심지구가 미발달되었고, 법인업체의 비율은 높으나 상용 종사자의 비율과 사업체당 연간 판매액의 비율이 낮아 소매업 경영상의 지역적 차이점을 나타내고 있다. 셋째, 수도권 지역의 중심지구는 대구권 지역의 중심지구에 비하여 편의제화와 일부 쇼핑재화를 취급하는 소매업 법인조직이 발달하였으나, 대구권 지역의 경우는