- Am J Phys Anthropol v.34 The relationship between total ridge count and pattern intensity index of digital dermatoglyphics Basu A;Namboodiri KK
- J Anthropol Soc Nippon v.77 A Study of finger dermatoglyphics of the Newars of Nepal Bhasin MK
- Heredity and Finger Patterns. Criminal Registration Branch Burridge P
- Korean J Genet v.12 A quantitative study of finger prints in the blind Cho C
- Korean J Biol Sci v.2 A finger dermatoglyphic study of Maori Cho C
- Finger Prints, Palms and Soles: An Introduction to Dermatoglyphics Cummins H;Midlo C
- Am J Phys Anthropol v.23 Some anthropological data on finger prints Dankmeijer J
- Am J Phys Anthropol v.24 General rules in the symmetry occurrence of papillary patterns Dankmeijer F;Renes RC
- Am J Phys Anthropol v.31 Digital ridge-counts of Efe Pygmies Glanville EV
- Classification and Uses of Finger Prints Henry ER
- J Korean Med Soc Nippon v.29 Ueber die daktyloskopie der Mongolen und Tungusen. 5. Mitteilung Hisakichi M
- Ph D Thesis, Chungnam National University A quantitative analysis of finger and palmar patterns in Korean Hwang KY
- Am J Phys Anthropol v.30 Finger dermatoglyphics of the Peruvian Cashinahua Jantz RL;Johnston FE;Walker GF;Kensinger KM
- Oceania v.22 Fingerprints of Australian aborigines of west Arnhem Land and western Australia Macintosh NWG
- Am J Phys Anthropol v.21 The dermatoglyphics of the West Nakanai of New Britain Mavalwala J;Swindler DR;Hunt EE
- Hum Hered v.27 Genetics of asymmetry in dermatoglyphic traits Mi MP;Rashad MN
- Am J Dis Child v.124 Dermatoglyphics and syndromes Preus M;Fraser FC
- Oceania v.34 Fingerprints of aborigines at Kallumbur Mission in western Australia Rao PDP
- Oceania v.35 Finger and palm prints of the aboriginal children at Yuendumu Settlement in central Australia Rao PDP
- Osaka City Univ Med J v.9 Ueger das Hautleistensystem der Finger und Zehenbeeren der Polynesier und der gemischten Polynesier Shima G
- Am J Phys Anthropol v.21 A study of fingerprints of the Danguria Tharu of Uttar Pradesh (India) Srivastava RP
- Am J Phys Anthropol v.23 A quantitative analysis of the fingerprints of the Tharus of Uttat Pradesh Srivastava RP
- Proceedings of Joint Meeting of Anthropology Society of Nippon and Japanese Society of Ethnology anthropological reserch of Polynesians Suzuki M
- Am J Phys Anthropol Soc Nippon v.26 Finger dermatoglyphics of the Tibetans Tiwari SC;Chattopadhyay PK
- J Anthropol Soc Nippon v.73 Fingerprints of the New Zealand Maori Veale AMO;Adams WE
- J Anthropol Soc Nippon v.76 Polynesian fingerprints: Ellice Islanders Veale AMO;Adams WE