• Published : 1998.09.01


Inner nutshell of Castanea mollisima BL (chestnut) has been used as an anti-aging and anti-wrinkle agent from the ancient time in east Asia. In order to develop new anti-aging and anti-wrinkle, ethanolic extract of inner nutshell of Castanea mollisima BL (Cor-285) was prepared and various biological activities were evaluated. Cor-285 showed potent antioxidant activity, Especially, Cor-285 possessed potent free radical scavenging activity in vitro (IC50:7.6 g/ml) compared to gallic acid (IC50:12.5 g/ml), Cor-285 showed the preventive effect against UV-induced cytotoxicity of fibroblast at concentration of 25-250 g/ml. When Cor-285 was evaluated for its anti-allergic activity, it effectively inhibited histamine release from mast cells induced by compound 48/80 (86% inhibition at 10 mg/ml). The inhibitory activity was stronger than that of glycyrrhiznate. Cor-285 also showed in vivo inhibition against delayed hypersensitivity as well as croton-oil induced ear edema in mice when topically applied These results strongly suggest that Cor-285 may reduce immunoregulatory 1 inflammatory skin trouble. From the attempts to isolate the constituents, citropten (simple coumarin) and ellagic acid, a well known radical scavenger, were isolated. In a clinical trial of twenty healthy volunteers with aged skin,6 weeks application of Cor-285 (3% cream) decreased wrinkle about 26% and increased moisturizing 20% on the skin. All of these results indicate that Cor-285 may be an effective anti-aging and anti-wrinkle agent.



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