An Expert System of Moulding Working for Air Intake Hose Products using 3-Dimensional Parametric Modeling Technique

  • Published : 1998.09.01


This paper deals with an application on the mould machining of air intake hose product by using 3-dimensional parametric modeling techniques. The detailed domain is the 3-dimensional product with similar shapes and different sizes which needs too much working time for preparation of modeling or machining due to making a trial and errors repeatedly. Decision making rules for selection of modeling order and technique, and for calculation of cutting conditions, and for determination of sequence and method concerning machining operations are required by interview of expert engineers in the field. The developed expert system of modeling and machining is programmed by using a user programming language under the CAD/CAM software of the Personal Designer. The developed system that aids a mould engineer who is working in the modeling and machining section which deal with air intake hose product provides strong and useful capabilities.



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