- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics v.2 no.1 A Road Map To Solid Modeling Hoffmann, C.M.;Rossignac, J.R.
- ACM Computing Surveys v.12 no.4 Representation for Rigid Solids:Theory, Methods, and Systems Requicha, A.A.G.
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications v.12 no.5 Solid Modeling and Beyond Requicha, A.A.G.;Rossignac, J.R.
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications v.2 no.2 Solid Modeling: A Historical Summary and Contemporary Assessment Requicha, A.A.G.;Voelcker, H.B.
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications v.3 no.7 Solid Modeling: Current Status and Research Directoins Requicha, A.A.G.;Voelcker, H.B.
- In Proc. of Spring Joint Computer Conference Sketchpad: A man-machine graphical communication system Sutherland, I.E.
- Computer-Integrated Design and Manufecturing Badworth, D.D.;Henderso, M.R.;Wolfe, P.M.
Parametric and Feature-Based CAD/CAM
Shah, J.J.;
$M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}$ - Shape Classificaton in Computer Aided Design, Phd thesis Lycourgos K. Kyprianou
- Computer Aided Design v.23 no.5 Assessment of Features Technology Shah, J.J.
- Computers in Industry v.26 no.1 An Overview of Automatic Feature Recognition Techniques for Computer-Aided Process Planning Subrahmanyam, S.;Wozny, M.
- Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing v.8 no.6 Feature-based Modeling Approaches for integrated Manufacturing: State-of-the -Art Survey and Future Research Directions Allada, V.;Anand, S.
- Altenative definitionas of faces in boundary representations of solid objects, Technical Report 36 Silva, C.E.
- In AI: Implications for CIM Automated Systems for Process Planning and Part Programming Requicha, A.A.G.;Vandenbrande, J.H.
- 3D Geometric Reasoning Algorithms for Feature Recognition, PhD thesis Computer Science Department Han, J.
- Geometirc Algoritms for Recognition of Features from Solid Models, PhD thesis William C. Regli
- Research in Engineering Design v.7 no.3 Extracting alternative machning features: An algorithmic approach William C. Regli;Satyandra K. Gupta;Dana S. Nau
- Expert Process Planning for manufacturing Tien-Chien Chang
- International Journal of System Automation: Research and Applications v.1 no.3 Tenenbaum Towards a framework for concurrent design Cutkosky, M.R.;Jay M.
- Journal of Manufacturing Systems v.15 no.6 Cybercut: A world wide web based design-to-fabrication tool C. Smith;P. Wright
- Survey of Feature Research, Technical Report IRIS-96-346 Institute for Robotics an dIntelligent Systems Han, J.
- Geometric Modeling for Product Engineering, IFIP1990 Unresolved Research Issues in Development of Design with-Features Systems Dixon, J.R.;Libardi, E.C.;Nielsen, E.H.
Advanced in Feature Based Manufacturing
Introduction to Feature Based Manufacturing
Shah, J.J.;
$M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}$ , M.;Nau, D.S.;Shah, J.J.(ed.);$M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}$ , M.(ed.);Nau, D.S.(ed.) - Computer Aided Design v.20 Graph based Heuristics for Recognition of Machined Features from a 3-D Solid Model Joshi, S.;Chang, T.C.
- ASME Computers in Engineering Conference Unified feature definition for feature-based design and feature-based modeling Reinhold Geelink;Otto W. Salomons;Fjodor van Slooten;Fred J.A.M. van Houten;Busnaina A.A.(ed.)
- PART: A Computer Aided Process Planning System, PhD thesis van Houten, F.J.A.M.
- Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness Michael, R. Garey;David S., Johnson
- IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine intelligence v.16 no.11 Geometric Reasoning for Extraction of Manufacturing Features in Iso-Oriented Polyhedrons Trika, S.N.;Kashyap, R.L.
- IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v.12 no.10 Geometirc Reasoning for Recongnition of 3-D Object Features Marefat, M.;Kashyap, R.L.
- A Mathematical Theory of Evidence Shafer, G.
- In Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Robotics and Automation Extraction and Identifying Form Features: A Bayesian Approach Marefat, M.;Ji, Q.
- In Proc. 11th IEEE Conf. on AI for Automations An Evidential Reasoning Approach for Recongnizing Shape Features Ji. Q.;Marefat, M.;Lever, P.J.
- Computer Aided Design v.27 no.6 Bayesian Approach for Extacting and Identifying Features Ji, Q.;Marefat, M.
- Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems Pearl, J.
- US Patent 728367 Phoenix method for automatic conversion between geometirc models. Allied Signal Incorporated Noel C.Christensen;James D. Emory;Maurice L. Smith
- Requirements and Architecture of CAM oriented CAD systems for design and manufactures of mechanical parts, PhD thesis Arbab, F.
- Computer Aided Design v.23 no.1 Construction and Optimizations of CSG Representations Shapiro, V;Vossler, D.
- In Proc. ASME Computers In Engineering Conference Defining and Recognizing Cavity and Protrustion by Volumes Sakurai, H.;Chin, C.
Advances in Feature Based Manufacturing
Definition and Recognition of Volume features for Process Planing
Sakurai, H;Chin, C.;Shah, J.J.(ed.);
$M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}$ , M.(ed.);Nau, D.S. (ed.) -
Advances in Feature Based Manufacturing
Detemination of machning volumes from extensible sets of design features
Shah, J.J.;Shen, Y.;Shirur, A.;Shah, J.J.(ed.);
$M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}$ , M.(ed.);Nau, D.S.(ed.) - In Proc. ASME Design Automatin Conference Form Feature Recognition Using Base Volume Decomposition Coles, J. Crawford,R.;Wood, K.
- Computer Aided Design v.26 no.9 Recognizing Multiple Interpretations of Interation Machining Features Tseng, Y.J.;Joshi S.B.
- In Proc. Solid Modeling '95 A Probably Correct Feature Extraction for Parts with Cylindrical and Planar Surfaces Tirika, S.N.;Kashyap, R.L.
- Computer Aided Design v.28 no.6;7 Volume Decomposition and Feature Recognition, Part Ⅱ:Curved Objects Sakurai, H.;Dave, P.
- Convex Decomposition and Solid Geometric Modeling, PhD thesis Kim, Y.
- Computer Aided Design v.24 no.9 Recognition of Form Features using Convex Decomposition Kim, Y.
- 2nd ACM Solid Modeling Symposium Geometric Reasoning for Machining Features using Convex Decompositions Waco, D.;Kim, Y.S.
- In Proc. ASME Computers In Engineering Conference Considerations in Positive to Negative Conversion for Machining Features using Convex Decompositions Waco, D.;Kim, Y.S.
- Computer Aided Design v.26 no.6 Geometric Reasoning for Machining Features using Convex Decomposition Waco, D.;Kim, Y.S.
- IEEE Trans. Patern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v.15 no.12 Spatial Reasoning for the Automatic Recognition of Machinable Features in Solid Models Vandenbrande, J.H.;Requicha, A.A.G.
Advances in Feature Based Manufacturing
Geometric Computation for the Recognition of Spatiallly In teracting Machinable Features
Vandenbrande, J.H.;Requicha, A.A.G.;Shah,J.J.(ed.);
M.(ed.);Nau, D.S. (ed.) - In Proc.International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA) Hint Generation an Completion for Feature Recognition Han, J.;Requicha, A.A.G.
- ASME Computers in Engineering Conference Using STEP to integrate design features with manufacturing features Steven L.Brooks;Bryan, R.;Greenway Jr.;Busnaina, A.A.(Ed.)
- Computer Aided Design v.29 no.1 Toward multiprocessor feature recognition William C. Regli;Satyandra K. Gurta;Dana S. Nau
- In Proc. AAAI A Theory of Debugging Plans and Interpretations Simmons, R.
- 4th ACMSIGGRAPH Sumposium of Solid Modeling and Application On Multiple Interpretations Han, J.
ASME Advances in Design Automation
Generative Process Planning of Prismatic Parts by Feature Relaxation
$M\"{a}ntyl\"{a}$ M.;Opas, J.;Puhakka, J - IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence v.14 no.4 An Algebraic Approach to Feature Intersections Karinthi, R.R.;Nau, D.S.
- PhD thesis, Elec. Eng. Dept., Univ. of Rochester Automatic Recognition of Machinable Features in Solid Models Vandenbrande, J.H.
- PhD thesis, University of Maryland Automated Manufacturability Analysis of Machined Parts Gupta, S.K.
- Introduction to Algorithms Cormen, T.H.;Leiserson, C.E.;Rivest, R.L.
- Computer Aided Design v.27 no.11 Volume Decomposition and Feature Recognition, Part: Ⅰ;Polyhedral Objects Sakurai, H.
- The Science of the Artificial Simon, H.A.
- In Proc. 5th IFIP Workshop, WG 5.2 A New Approach to Manufacturing Features for Evaluation and Operational Planning Roberts, C.;Stage, R.;Hubele, N.;Henderson, M.;Perez, E.
- National Institute of Standards and Technology, Technical Report NISTIR 5707 Modeling of manufacturing resource information: Requirements specification. Kevin K. Jurrens;James E. Fowler;Mary Elizabeth A. Algeo
- Third ACM/IEEE Symp. on Solid Modeling and Applications Assembly sequencing with toleranced parts Latombe, J.-C.;Wilson, R.
- PhD thesis, Dept of Computer Science, Stanford University On Geometric Assembly Planning Wilson, R.
- Artificial Intelligent v.71 no.2 Geometric Reasoning about Mechanical assembly Wilson, R.;Latombe, J.-C.
- Proc. ASME Computers in Engineering Conference Special Panel Session for Feature Recognition Han, J.;Regli, W.C.;Rosen, D.
- In Proc. ASME Computers In Engineering Conference The Heriot-Watt FeatureFinder: A Graph-based Approach to Recognition Little, G.;Tuttle, R.;Clark, D.;Corney, J.;
- Proc. ASME Computers In Engineering Conference 1997 Status of the Form Feature Recognition Methid using Convex Decomposition Wang, E.;Kim, Y.
- Proc. ASME Computers In Engineering Conference Hint-Based Reasoning for Feature Recognition: Status Report Han, J.;Regli. W.C.;Brooks, S.
- Proc. ASME Computers In Engineering Conference MMCs and PPCs and as Constructs of Curvature Regions for Form Feature Determinants Sonthi, R.;Gadh, R.