- Handbook of Mathematical functions Abramowitz, M.;Stegun, I.
- Journal of American Statistical Association v.89 Importance-weighted marginal Bayesian posterior density estimation Chen, M. H.
- Journal of Econometrics v.51 Bayes Inference in the Tobit censored regression model Chib, S.
- Journal of Korean Statistical Society v.26 Sampling based approach to the Bayesian analysis of binary regression model with incomplete data Chung, Y.
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B v.39 Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm Dempster, A.P.;Laird, N.;Rudin
- Technometrics v.19 A study of distributional shape in life testng Farewell, V.T.;Prentice, R.L.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.85 Sampling Based Approaches to Calculating Marginal Densities Gelfand, A.E.;Smith, A.F.M.
- Statistical Science v.7 Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences Gelman, A.;Rubin, D.B.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.85 Incomplete data in Generalized Linear Model Ibrahim, J.G.
- Statistical models and Methods for lifetime Data Lawless, J.F.
- Journal of Chemical Physics v.21 Equations of state calculations by fast computing machines Metropolis, N.;Rosenbluth, A.W.;Rosenbluth, M.N.;Teller, A.H.;Teller, E.
- Technometrics v.21 A simple method for regression analysis with consored data Schmee, M.J.;Hahn, G.J.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.82 The Calculation of Posterior Distributions by Data Augmentation Tanner, M.A.;Wong, W.