A Note on the Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Fuzzy Random Sets

  • Sungho Lee (Department of Statistics, Taegu University)
  • 발행 : 1998.08.01


In this paper we introduce the definition for fuzzy random set by Puri and Ralescu(1985) and show strong laws of large numbers for fuzzy random sets on Banach spaces.



  1. Annals of Probability v.13 Convexification in limit laws of random sets in Banach spaces Z. Artstein;J.C. Hansen
  2. Annals of probability v.3 A strong law of large numbers for random compact sets Z. Artstein;R.A. Vitale
  3. Convergence of probability measures P. Billingsley
  4. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.41 A strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random sets H. Inoue
  5. stochastic geometry Foundation of a theory of random sets D.G. Kendall;E.F. Harding(ed.);D.G. Kendall(ed.)
  6. Proceedings of Royal Society London Series A v.407 Limit theorems for fuzzy random variables E.P.Klement;M.L.Puri;D.A.Ralescu
  7. Information Sciences v.15 Fuzzy random variables Part 1: Definitions and theorem H. Kwakernaak
  8. Random sets and Integral geometry G. Matheron
  9. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.12 A strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables M.Miyakoshi;M.Shimbo
  10. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications v.91 Differentials of fuzzy functions M.L.Puri;D.A.Ralescu
  11. Annals of Probability v.11 Strong law of large numbers for Banach space valued random variables M.L.Puri;D.A.Ralescu
  12. Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. v.97 Limit theorems for random compact sets in Banach spaces M.L. Puri;D.A.Ralescu
  13. Annals of probability v.13 The concept of normality for fuzzy random variables M.L.Puri;D.A.Ralescu
  14. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications v.114 Fuzzy random variables M.L.Puri;D.A.Ralescu
  15. Proceedings of American Mathematical Society v.3 An embedding theorem for spaces of convex sets H. Radstrom
  16. Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.14 On the measure of random sets H.E. Robbins
  17. Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.15 On the measure of random sets II H.E. Robbins
  18. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.6 Convex fuzzy random variables W.E.stein;K.Talati
  19. Stochastic Analysis and Applications v.3 Convergence of weighted sums of random sets R.L.Taylor;H.Inoue
  20. Proc. of IMA workshop on Random Sets Laws of large numbers for random sets R.L. Taylor;H.Inoue