항만기술인력의 교육제도 개선방안

A Study on the Education System of Port Labor in Pusan Port

  • 박남규 (동명정보대학교 유통경영학교) ;
  • 남율수 (한국해양대학교 대학원)
  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


The productivity of port labor in Pusan port is very low and the ratio of port accident is high in comparision with other advanced foreign ports. The aim of this paper is to find why the productivity in Pusan port is much lower than that of other countries in terms of port labor education systems. To obtain the objective of this study, the writers used 163 questionnaire for port labor in BCTOC, PECT and UTC for the survey of training method of cargo equipment handling. The result of this study shows as follows; (1) From the fact that ratio of labor who were trained by KPTI was 2.5%, we could say the public training system of port labor is not operated properly (2) As most of laborers are trained by the experienced associate, they do not recognize how the level of cargo handling equipment is set to increase the productivity. (3) In order that the port public training system plays a good role in port industry, a new license system should be introduced and an expert education system should be developed.



  1. 항만 운영인력 양성의 필요성과 방향 변상경
  2. 컨테이너정기선 부문 정봉민
  3. 항만전문인력 양성 제안 정영석
  4. 우리나라 컨테이너 항만의 국제경쟁력 제고방안에 관한 연구 전일수;김학노;김범중
  5. 포트 오소리티 no.통권 2~3호 KCTA
  6. 한국항만연수원(KPTI) 안내
  7. 항만개선연구회 실태조사 전국경제인연합회
  8. 한국항만학회, '98 추계학술대회 논문집 동북아 중심항만 구축을 위한 컨테이너터미널의 개발 및 운영전략 이철영;양원
  9. 항만하역 재해원인 분석 및 대책 대한산업안전협회