The Standard in family resource management: Diagnosis and future direction

가정관리에서의 생활표준 : 진단과 과제

  • 이연숙 (고려대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • Published : 1998.10.01


The purpose of this study were to clarify the concepts, origin, and roles of standard, to diagnose the standard developed in contemporary family living, and to suggest desirable standard for effective home management. Five prevalent standards found in managing family resources were convenient-oriented standard, others-oriented standard, material-oriented standard, individual-oriented standard, and frugal-oriented standard. The changes of social and cultural environments and family resources affecting these standards and some problems resulted from these were discussed. Considering undesirable effect of old standards on resource management, family relationship, quality of life, and society in general, these old standards should be replaced by compromise convenient-oriented standard, self-oriented standard, being-oriented, joint-oriented standard, and new frugal-oriented standard. Some recommendations for future research, publicity, and policy were suggested.
