- 한국해양학회지"바다" v.2 no.1 인천연안역 저서동물군집의 시,공간적 분포 양상 고병설;이재학;홍재상
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- 한국과학재단 보고서 한국의 생물다양성 보전을 위한 국가계획의 수림에 관한 연구 한국과학재단
- '94 굴포천 종합 치수사업 한강 관리조사 한국수자원공사
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- Extuarine Perspectives Nutrient fluxes across the sediment-water interface in the turbid zone of a coastal plain estuary Boynton, W.R.;W.M. Kempand;C.G. Osborne
- Ph. D. thesis, Seoul National Univ. The ecological study of phytoplankton in Kyeonggi Bay, Koreal Choi, J.K.
- J. Oceanol. Sco. Kor. v.21 no.1 The ecological study of phytoplankton in Kyeonggi Bay, Yellow Sea, Ⅰ. Environmental characteristics Choi, J.K.;J.H. Shim
- Yellow Sea Res. v.1 A study on the variation of phytoplankton community with the environmental conditions and water pollution in the coastal areas of Incheon, Yellow Sea Hyun, J.H.;J.K. Choi
- MS thesis, Seoul National Univ. The ecological comparative study on phytoplankton community in Asan and Kyeonggi Bay Lee, S.K.
- A manual of chemical and biological methods for seawater analysis Parsons T.R.;Y. Maita;C.M. Lalli
- J. Theoret. Biol. v.10 Species-diversity and pattern-diversity in the study of ecological succession Pielou, E.C.
- The mathematical theory of communication Shannon, C.E.;W. Wiener
- J. Oceanol. Sco. Kor. v.23 no.3 Spatial and temporal variations of phytoplankton in Chonsu Bay Shim, J.H.;H.G. Yeo
- Illustration of the marine plankton of Japan Yamaji, I.