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- Manual for the child behavior checklist/4-18 and 1991 profile Achenbach, T. M.
- J. of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.47 no.2 The child behavior profile: Ⅱ. Boy aged 12-16 and Girls aged 6-11 and 12-16 Achenbach, T. M.;Edelbrock, C. S.
- Manual for the child behavior checklist and revised child behavior profile Achenbach, T. M;Edelbrock, C. S.
- Empirically based assessment of childand adolescent psychopathology: practical applications(2nd ed.) Achenbach, T. M.;McConaughy, S. H.
- Child Development v.55 Loneliness in children Asher, S. R.;Hymel, S.;Renshaw, P. D.
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.41 Shyness and sociability Cheek, J. M.;Buss, A. H.
- Child Development v.41 Symptom patterns in hyperkinetic, neurotic and normal children Connors, C. K.
- Abnormal psychology(6th ed.) Davison G. C.;Neale, J. M.
- Child Development v.61 The family ecology of boys' peer relations in middle childhood Dishion, T.J.
- Child Development v.65 Socialization mediators of the relation between socioeconomic status and child conduct problems Dodge, K. A.;Pettit, G. S.;Bates J. E.
- Characteristics of children's behavior disorders(2nd ed.) Kauffman, J. M.
- J. of Clinical Child Psychology v.17 Development of the social anxiety scale for children;reliability and concurrent validity La Greca, A. M.;Dandes, S. K.;Wick, P.;Shaw, K.;Stone, W. L.
- Parental and teacher questionnaire Rutter, M.
- J. of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.55 Over- and undercontrolled referral problems among Thai and American children and adolescents;the wat and wai of cultural differences Weisz, J. R.;Suwanlert, S.;Chaiyasit, W.;Walter, B. R.
- J. of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.56 no.4 Thai and American perspectives on over- and undercontrolled child behavior problem: exploring the threshold model among parents, teachers, and psychologists Weisz, J. R.;Suwanlert, S.;Chaiyasit, W.;Weiss, B. W.;Walter, B. R.;Anderson, W. W.