Study on Standard Product Data Translation Method

표준 제품 데이터 변환 방법에 관한 연구

  • 안만진 (인하대학교 자동화공학과) ;
  • 유상봉 (인하대학교 자동화공학과)
  • Published : 1998.12.01


Standardization for product data has not been well established and many different presentation methods are being used in CAD/CAM industry. In order to accomplish system integration or concurrent engineering in such situation, product data exchanges among heterogeneous system are needed. This paper presents a data exchange system between IGES and STEP (AP 202 and 203). The schemata of those standard data formats are represented in EXPRESS and the relationship between corresponding entities are written in EXPRESS-X. Relationships among Non-geometric entities (such as color and annotations) as well as geometric entities are examined. Because the system implemented in this research uses high-level schema language and mappign language, it can be easily extended to support new data formats.



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  2. TC184/SC4 ISO
  3. TC184/SC4/WG5, EXPRESS-X Reference Manual ISO
  4. TC184/SC4, STEP Part 11: EXPRESS Language Reference Manual ISO
  5. TC184/SC4/WG5/N243, EXPRESS-M Reference Manual ISO
  6. TC184/SC4/WG5/N251, EXPRESS-V Reference Manual ISO
  7. IPPD Yanping Zhang
  8. IEEE Internet Computing Data Protocols for the industrial Virtual Enterprise Martin Hardwick;David L. Spooner;Tom Rando;Morris, K. C.
  9. 인하대학교, 자동화공학과 석사학위논문 STEP을 이용한 CAD 데이터 변환시스템의 구현 이영준
  10. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice Ibrahim Zeid
  11. The Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES)(Version 5.0) Kent Reed;Dennette Harrod Jr.;William Conroy
  12. 제품 모델 정보 교환을 위한 STEP STEP 연구회
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  14. TC184/SC4, STEP Part 203: Application protocol: Configuration Controlled design ISO
  15. Overview of the EXPRESS-X Language Ian Bailey;Martin Hardwick;Adrian Laud;David L. Spooner
  16. EXPRESS-M to EXPRESS-X incorporating EXPRESS-V CIMIO