As network provides diverse functionalities recently, many rpotocol standards have become complex and many implementations have appeared. Such trends require us to test th econformance of implementations, called the conformance testing. Many researches have been performed on generating test sequence and on fualt masking base don T,U,D,W methods. At this jpoint, te new problem is suggeste dwhich is calle dthe completenes s criteria. The test sequences for the conformance testing have come up with this problem as well as fault masking. In this paper, we suggest the method of generating the preverified test sequence which can avoid the completeness criteria problem. The preverified test sequence is much more reliable than others by using the preverified edge. For the reliability of conformance testing, we define the immunity of the test sequence and provide the clue for the analysis of the test results using the immunity. The analysis of the results makes it possible for us to test the implementation again with more reliability. Also, the preverified test sequence is flexible so that it is combined with the fault-tolerant sequence for fault masking.