DS-CDMA 수신기의 입력 양자화 효과 해석

Input quantization effects analysis of DS-CDMA receivers

  • 남승현 (고등기술연구원 전자통신연구실) ;
  • 성원용 (서울대학교 전기공학부)
  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


The wordlength optimization for the analog-to-digital converter in DS-CDMA receivers is very important for the efficient implementation of front-end digital demodulator blocks. Wideband CDMA systems reqire a very fast acquisition time, thus they prefer the matched filter base dreceiver architecture.However, the matched filter should san very long chips, and as a results, requires a large number of gates and a high-power consumption. In this paper, the quantization effects on the acquisition performance of the matched filter is analyzed stochastically. The quantization is modeled as a series of saturation and digitization procedures, because the distortion due to the saturation is signal dependent and causes very different effects when compared with that of the, random, digitization noise. Numerical results are obtained to show the optimum saturaton limit of the quantizer for a given wordlength. This analysis can give a guide to low-cost and low-powr digital implementations and assurance of the system performance without intensive simulations.



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