A call admission control in ATM networks using approximation technique for QOS estimation

ATM 망에서의 통화품질 평가를 위한 근사화 기법과 이를 이용한 호 수락 제어

  • Published : 1998.09.01


Admission control is one of the most important congestion control mechanism to be executed at the call set up phase by regulating traffic into a network in a preventive way. An efficient QOS evaluation or bandwidth estimation method is required for call admission to be decided in real time. In this paper, we spropose a computtionally simple approximation method of estimating cell loss probability and mean cell delay for admission control of both delay sensitive and loss sensitive calls. Mixed input queueing system, where a new call combines with the existing traffic, is used as a queueing model for QOS estimation. Also traffic parameters are suggested to characterize both a new call and existing traffic. Aggregate traffic is approximated by a renewal process with these traffic parameters and then mean delay and cell loss probability are detemined using appropriate approximation formulas. The accuracy of this approximation approach is examined by comparing their results with exact analysis or simulation results of vrious mixed unput queueing systems. Based on this QOS estimation method, call admission control scheme which is traffic independent and computable in yeal time are proposed.



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