Existing premises telecommucation wiring ad been installed for efficient telephone service. But premises wiring is currently ready to be reused as media for wideband digital services and Fiber-to-the-curb architecture. Electrical properties of premises wiring link have not characateized above frequencies for voice service. Accurte measurement of these characteristics are exssential for studies fof wideband ditital transmission system. On the other hand, the transmission qualities of premises wiring have been known to be worst in telecommunications access networks. So the knowledge of premises wiring sturucture as well as electrical properties is needed to improve the performance of premises wiring. In this paper, the structure of premises wiring is described in detail and electrical characteristics (characteristic impedance, SRL, attnuation, NEXT) about premises cables and stelecommucations link of representative apartment complex sare measured and naalyzed ove r16MHz range which is UTP Cat3 bandwidth.