- IEEE Trans. Comm. v.COM-29 Displacement measur-ement and its application in interframe image coding J. R. Jain;A. K. Jain
- Proc. of SPIE Image Coding v.594 A differential displacement estimat-ion algorithm and improved stability M. Bierling
- Signal Processing v.16 Differential estimation of the global motion parameters zoom and pan M. Hotter
- Signal Processing:Image Communication v.2 no.1 A differential method for simultaneous estimation of rotation, change of scale and translation S. F. Wu;J. Kittler
- J. of Visual Comm. Image Rep. v.6 no.4 Robust multire-solutional estimation of parametric motion models J. M. Odobez;P. Bouthemy
- Proc. Signal Processing Ⅳ: Theories and Appliations Motion estimation based on a moon model incorporating translation, rotation and zoom G. J. Keesman
- Signal Processing v.15 Image segmentation based on object oriented mapping parameter estimation M. Hotter;R. Thoma
- IEEE Trans. Circ. Sys. Video Tech. v.5 no.4 Motion compensation using second-order geometric trans-formations C. A. Papadopoulos;T. G. Clakson
- ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N1902 Information technology-cod-ing fo audio-visual objects:visuals ISO/IEC
- Signal Processing v.35 no.2 An analysis of gradient-based method J.-H. Lee;S.-D. Kim
- IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. and Machine Intell v.PAMI-9 no.2 Optical flow estimation: an error analysis of gradient-based methods with local optimization J. K. Keamey;W. B. Thompson;D. L. Boley
- Signal Proces-sing:Image Communication v.6 no.4 On the accuracy and convergence of 2-D motion models using min-imum MSE motion estimitation J.-H. Moon;J.-K. Kim
- Proc. IEEE v.69 no.5 Advances in mathematical models for images processing A. K. Jain
- Image Sequence Processing and Dynamic Scene Analysis The differential method for image motion estimation C. Cafforio;T. S. Huang (ed.)
- Proc. of SPIE Image Coding v.594 Time/space recursions for differential motion estimat-ion R. Robert;C. Cafforio
- J.of Visual Comm. Image Rep. v.4 no.1 A gradient-based method for general motion estimation and segmentation S. F. Wu;J. Kittler
- Signal Processing v.11 no.4 Motion compensat-ing field interpolation using a hierachically struc-tured displacement estimator M. Bierling;R. Thoma
- Signal Processing: Image Communication v.7 no.1 Differential meth-ods for the identification of 2D and 3D motion models in image sequences J.-L. Dugelay;H. Sanson