- 한국정보과학회 논문지(A) 추측 공격에 대해서 안전하고 효율적인 패스워드 기반 프로토콜의 설계 및 검증 권태경;송주석
- Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'97 An Adaptable and Reliable Authentication Protocol for Communic-ation Networks T.K. K won;M. H. Kang
- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory v.22 no.3 W. Diffie;M. Hellman
- Communication of the ACM v.21 no.12 Using Encryption For Authentication in Large Networks of Computers R. Needham;M. Schroeder
- Communications of ACM v.24 no.8 Timestamps in Key Distri-bution Protocols D. Denning;G. Sacco
- ACM Operating Systems Review v.21 no.1 Efficient and Timely Mutual Authentications D.Otway;O.Rees
- Communications of the ACm v.22 no.11 Password Security: A Case History R. Morris; K. Thompson
- Proceeding fo Crypto'89, pub-lished as Lecture Notes in Computer Science no.435 UNIX Password Security -Ten Years Later D.C.Feldmeier
- Proceedings of the 12th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, ACM Operating Systems Review v.23 no.5 Reducing Risks from Pooly Chosen Keys M.Lomas;L.Gong;J.Saltzer;R.Needham
- Proceeding fo IEEE INFOCOM'90 Verifiable Attacks in Cryptographic Protocols L.Gong
- Proceedings of the IEEE Sympo-sium on Security and Privacy Encrypted Key Exchange:Password-Based Protocols Secure Against Diction-ary Attacks S.Bellovin;M.Merrit
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications v.11 no.5 Pro-tecting PoorlyChosen Secrets from Guessing At-tacks L.Gong;M.Lomas;R.Needham
- 1993 IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Some Remarks on Protecting Weak Keys and Poorly-Chosen Se-crets from Guessing Attacks G.Tsudik;E.Van Herreweghen
- ACM Operating System Review v.29 no.3 Refinement and extension of Encrypted Key Exchange M,Steiner;G.Tsudik;M.Waidner
- Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop Optimal Authentication Protocols Resis-tant to Password Guessing Attacks L.Gong
- ACM Operating Systems Re-view v.29 no.4 Undetectable On-line Password Guessing Attacks Y.Ding;P.Horster
- Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy Reasoning about Belief in Cryptographic Protocols L.Gong;R.Needham;R.Yahalom
- Applied Cryptography (2nd Ed.) B.Schneier