Seismic Loading Requirements for Singapore Buildings

  • Pan, Tso-Chien (Director, Protective Technology Research Center, School of Givil and Structural Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore)
  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


In this paper, the potential ground motion in terms of the peak ground accelerations(PGAs) due to long-distance Sumatra earthquakes is investigated for Singapore, following the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment a, pp.oach. The case investigated differs from a conventional one, in that few attenuation equations for long-distance major earthquakes are readily available. The attenuation relationships developed for other regions of the world are thus reviewed. It is found that the existing attenuation equations, when extrapolated to distant major earthquakes, tend to underestimate the PGAs. By comparing with the PGAs recorded over long distances at stations of the Japanese Meteorological Agency for major earthquakes in Japan, an attenuation equation is chosen for this study. With the chosen attenuation equation, the probability of PGAs exceeding selected levels for various exposure periods of time is then computed. The results show that at Singapore there is a 10% probability in 50 years for the PGA at rock sites to exceed 1.1% g. In view of the results and the associated uncertainties, a base shear coefficient of 1.5% is being recommended as the tentative seismic loading in Singapore. The tentative seismic loading reflects the design value of the notional horizontal load, equal to 1.5% of the characteristic building weigh as specified in the BS code, which usualy governs the design of most buildings in Singapors.



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