- Lystimeter 를 이용한 폐기물 매립지 안정화 연구 서울대학교 환경안전연구소
- 한국지반공학회 (난지도 매립지 안정화 기본설계)장기침하 특성분석보고서
- Geotechnique v.31 no.4 Compressibility and Strength of Decomposing Fibre-Clay Soils Al Khafaji,A.W.N.;Andersland,O.B.
- The Thirteenth Annual Madison Waste Conference,September Settlement of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Bjarngard,A.;Edgers,L.
- Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of M.S. in C.E.,Tuft Unversity,Medford,MA,May 1989 The Compressibility Characteristics of Landfills Bjarngard,A.
- Critical Reviews in Environmental Control v.19 no.6 Methane Production from Municipal Refuse:a Review of Enhancement Techniques and Microbial Dynamics Barlaz,M.A.;Ham,R.K.;Schaefer,D.M.
- PhD dissertation Dept. of Civil Engineering,Northwestern University,Evanston,III Time-Settlement Behavior of Milled Refuse Chen,W.H.
- Geotechnics of Waste Fills-Theory and Practice:ASTM STP 1070 ASTM Settlement of Municipal Refuse Edjl,T.B.;Ranguette,V.J.;Wuellner,W.
- Waste Management and Research v.7 A Numerical Model for Methane Production in Managed Sanitary Landfills El Fadel,M.;Findikakis,A.N.;Lechie,J.O.
- Proceeding of WasteTech Conference,Charleston,SC,January 1994 Geotechnical properties of Municipal Solid Wasted and Their Use in Landfill Design Fasset,J.B.;Leonards,C.A.;Repetto,C.
- Proc,Bulding on Marginal and Derelict Land:An Institution of Civil Engineers Conf.,Glasgow,U.K. The Stockley Park Project Gordon,D.L.;Lord,J.A.;Twine,D.
- Sanitary Landfill Design Manual,Department of Engineering Professional Department ,University of Wisconsin-Madison Biological and Chemical Processes in Landfills Ham,R.K.
- Waste Management and Research v.1 Significance of Biogas Production in Waste Hoeks,J.
- Geotechnical Testing Journal v.18 no.2 Geotechnical properties of Municipal Solid Waste Gabr,M.A.;Valero,S.N.
- ISWA '95 World Congress on Waste Management Wien October Degormability of Waste and Settlements of Sanitary Landfills Grisolia M.;Napoleoni,Q.
- Proc.Int.Symp.Green '93,Bolton ,UK,A.A.Balkema,Rotterdam Determination and Assessment of the Mechanical Properties of Waste Material Jessberger,H.L.;Kockel,R.
- Geotechnics of Waste Fills-Theory and Practice:ASTM STP 1070 ASTM.Philadelphia,Pa Geotechnics of Waste Fill Landva,A.O.;Clark,J.I.
- Vol. I.,Task 1-Laboratory Feasibility,Dynatech R & D Co.,Cambridge Mass,USA Feasibility Study for Recovering Methane Gas from the Greenwood Street Sanitary Landfill Worcester,Mass Leushner,A.P.
- Proceedings of the 1989 Joint CSCE-ASCE National Conference. A Microbial Model of Landfill Stabilization McGowan,K,C.;Pohland,F.G.;Saunders,F.M.;Williams,N.D.
- Ful Gas Production from Biomass, Review of Methane Fermentation Fundamentals Mclnerney,M.J.;Mryant,M.P.(ed.)Wise,D.L.
- Geotechnics of Waste Fills-Theory and Practice:ASTM STP 1070 ASTM Settlement and Engineering Considerations in Landfill Final Cover Design Morris,D.V.;Woods,C.E.
- International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology Criteria for Geotechnical Construction of Sanitary Landfills Owiess,I.S.;Khera,R.P.
- Geotechnical Practice for Disposal of Solid Waste Materials,Ann Arbor,Mich Settlement of Refuse Landfills Rao,S.K.;Moulton,L.K.;Seals,R.K.
- Proceedings, The Eighth International Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Moscow,1973 Settlement of Waste Disposal Fills Sowers,G.F.
- Proceedings, Tenth International Conference for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering v.2 Settlement of Sludge Landfills with Fiber Decomposition Wardwell,R.E.;Nelson,J.D.
- Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division,ASCE v.105 no.5 Sanitary Landfill Settlement Rates Yen,B.C.;Scanlon,B.
- Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology v.46 Mathematical Modelling of Landfill Degradation Young,A.