- Variational and Quasi Variational Inequalities C.Baiocchi;A.Capelo
- Pub. Math. v.10 Uber ver aligemeinerte quasilineare Mittelwerte die nut Gewichts funktionen gebildet sind Aczal,J.;Z.Daroozy
- J. Appl. Prob. v.12 Inaccuracy and coding theorem Avtar,R.;R.S.Soni
- A coding theorem and Renyi's entropy, Information and Control v.8 Campbell,L.L.
- International Jr. of Management and Systems v.8 A profile on noiseless coding theorems Hooda,D.S.;U.S.Bhaker
- Bounds on exponential mean codeword length of size D-alphabet 1:1 code Hooda,D.S.
- Buffer overflow in variable lengths coding of fixed rate sources v.Ⅱ;3 no.14 Jelinek,F.
- Math Seminar v.4 Generalized entropy of order α and type β Kapur,J.N.
- Information and Control v.41 Variable length source coding with a cost depending only on the code-word length Kieffer,J.C.
- Some equivalence between shannon entropy and kolmogrov complexity v.1T 24 no.3 Leung-Yan-Cheong, S. K.;T.M.Cover