Taxonomical Study by the Major Fatty Acid of Genus Rhus(anacardiaceae) in Korean

주요 지방산에 의한 한국산 옻나무屬의 분류학적 연구

  • 정재민 (경상대학교 농어촌개발연구소)
  • Published : 1998.06.01


Through total fatty acid analysis by the Gas chromatography, 17 different fatty acids were identified from the sap extracted from bark of Korean Rhus(Anacardiaceae), six species. Linoleic acid(C18 :2) and oleic acid(C18 : 1) were identified as major fatty acids for the species investigated, but except in R. chinensis.In the fatty acid composition for the species, one or two specific-fatty acid was detected, and its could be utilized as a useful taxonomic character.The result of cluster analysis by the 22 reliable characters in the fatty acid composition suggested first group was R.trichocarpa and R. succedanea, the second group, R.verniciflua, R.ambgua and R. sylvestris, but R.chinensis was a greatly independent species. The possible chemotaxonomic application of the fatty acid composition of bark in the genus Rhus was discussed.



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