- 한국임학회지 v.84 한국산 옻나무科의 분류학적 연구 김삼식, 정재민
- 대한피부과학회지 v.15 no.4 옻의 복용에 의한 혈행성 접촉성 피부염 김홍직;박윤기;이성낙
- 순천대학론문집 v.2 초피나무 수필의 지질 성분에 관한 연구 신수철;서재신;정현숙
- 농시론문집(농업산학협동편) v.33 한국산 옻나무 수액의 알레르기 유도물질의 특성에 관한 연구 - 옻나무 수액의 분취방법 정대교;송홍근;김훈
- 한국임학회지 v.86 한국산 옻나무屬 과실과 종자및 화석의 분류학적 재고 정재민;김삼식
- 상주농업 전문대학론문집 v.24 옻의 지방산 조성에 관한 연구 최재환;차원섭
- 서울의대잡지 v.2 no.3 칠즙(Urushinol)의 화학적 및 약리학적 연구 홍사악
- Am. J. Pharm. v.68 Rhus poisoning Beringer, G. M.
- Chemical and Biophysical Research Communications v.15 no.3 On the nature of copper in two proteins obtained from Rhus vernicifera latex Blumberg, W. E.;W. G. Levine;S. Margolis;J. Peisach
- Biochemical Systematics and Ecology v.21 Chemosystematic variation in acorn fatty acids of California live oaks(Quercus agrifolia and Q. wislizenii) Dodd, R. S.;Z. A. Rafii;E. Zavarin
- J. of Chromatography v.295 High-resolution gas liquid chromatographic analysis of urushiol of the lac tree. Rhus vernicifera, without derivatization Du, Y.;R. Oshima;H. Iwaatsuki
- Phytochemistry v.42 Fatty acids and triacylglycerols in seeds of Pinaceae species Imbs, A. B.;L. Q. Pham
- Nature v.143 laccase, a blue copper-protein oxidase from the latex of Rhus succedanea Keilin, D.;T. Mann
- Biochemical Systematics and Ecology v.20 Fatty and variability in some Mentha species Maffei, M.;S. Scannerini
- Plant Physiol. v.104 Design of new plant products: Engineering of fatty acid metabolism Ohlrogge, John B
- Biochemical Systematics and Ecology v.22 Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic studies on seed of Cactaceae, subfamily Cereoideage growth in Argentina Serrano, S. E.;C. A. Guzman
- The Chemotaxonomy of plants Smith, Philip M.
- Analytical Chemistry v.31 no.2 Analysis of long-chain fatty acids by gas chromatography Stoffel, W.;C. Florence, E. D.;Ahrens, Jr.
- Jour. of the Amer. Chem. Soc. v.76 The structural identification of the Olefinic components of Japanese Lac Urushiol Sunthanker, S. V.;C. R. Dawson
- S. Afr. J. Bot. v.57 Taxonomic position of Rhus problematodes (Anacardiaceae): Evidence from fruit and seed structure Teichman, I. v.;A. E. v. Wyk
- Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan v.6 On the Diabasic acids in Japan wax Tsujimoto, M.
- Bull. Chem. Soc. v.6 On the Dibasic acids in a few sumach berry waxes Tsujimoto, M.
- Bull. Chem. Soc. v.10 On the fatty acids of Japna wax Tsujimoto, M.
- Mokuzai Gakkaishi v.34 no.5 Characteristics of major fatty and components of haze wax from different cultivars and habitats Xu, J.;S. Meguro;S. Kawachi
- Mokuzai Gakkaishi v.35 Some physical properties of haze wax correlated with major fatty acids Xu, J;S. Meguro;S. Kawachi
- Mokuzai Gakkaishi v.36 Major fatty and contents of haze wax-changes during the growth and storage periods of haze seeds Xu, J.;S. Meguro;S. Kawachi