Characteristics of Grain Quality at Different Transplanting Times among Rice Cultivars

벼의 품종별 이앙시기가 미질 특성에 미치는 영향 III. 미립의 호화정도와 식미평가

  • Published : 1998.06.01


A study was carried our to investigate the characteristics of physico-chemical components palatability of cooked rice accoring to different transplanting time. The treatments were consisted of five transplanting time, from May 5 to July 5 at 15 -day intervals, and six cultivars ; two early-maturing, two mid-maturing and two late-maturing cultivars which are clearly identified by evaluation of cumulative temperature and growth duration from seeding to heading of rice plants. In gelatinization characteristics of rice grain, alkali digestion value was low in the earlier transplanting regardlessof maturing types. Initial pasting temeprature maximum viscosity and breakdown as amylogram charcteristics were high at the transplanting of June 5. The palatability of cookedrice was evaluated that early-maturing cultivars were much better in early transplanting than in late transplanting . The optimum transplanting time for palatibility was the periods from May 5 to 20 in early maturing varieties, May 20 to June 5 in mid-maturing and June 5 to June 20 in late-maturing ones at Honam district in Korea.



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