Effects of Addition of Cathamus tinctorius, Coptis japonica and Asarum sieboldii to Sawdust substrate on the Growth and Development of Winter Mushroom, Flammulina velutipes

홍화, 황련, 세신 배지첨가제가 팽이버섯 생육에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 1998.06.01


Cathamus tinctorius, Coptis japonica and Asarum sieboldii were tested as substrate for the production of Flammulina velutipes. Among the C. tinctoris , C. japonica and A. sieboldii , C. tinctoris was the best substrate for the production of fruitbody. The effects of addition of C. tinctoris to sawdust substrate resulted in the increased mycelial growth on inoculum culture, 3.1% in ratio of fully culture and shorted one day in culture period. C. tinctoris was decreased 6.1% in ratio of fully culture, 11.0% in ratio of fruitbody productive culm. The addition of C.tinctoris, C.japonica to sawdust substrate increased 134.6%, 114.1% on the yield of the mushroom fruitbody respectively . But A. sieboldii decreased the mycelial growth and pineheading ratio delayed the production of fruitbody.



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  5. 천연약물대사전(下), 남산당 김재길
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  7. 한국균학회지 v.23 no.3 계란껍질 첨가배지가 팽이버섯의 균사생장과 자실체에 미치는 영향 정종천;김광포;김한경;김영호;차동렬;정봉구
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