Factors Influencing Pollen Germination in vitro of Codonopsis lanceolata

더덕의 花粉發芽에 관한 溫度와 培地條件

  • Published : 1998.02.01


The present study has been undertake to obtain the fundatmental data of optimum germination condition and to establish storage time for artificial pollinationin Codonopsis lancelata pollen. In vitro condition for germination of freshly collected and stored pollen were examined. The optium temperature for germination of fresh pollen was $25^{\circ}C$. The optium sucrose concentration in the medium ranged from 30 to 40 % and optium pH 6.0% for pollen germination. The rate of pollen germination accelerated considerably in the medium with 1% agar. 30% sucrose, and pH 6. C. lanceolata pollen remained viable for 15 days when stored at 5$^{\circ}C$ with silica gel as desiccant.



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