대형디젤기관의 디젤산화촉매장치에서 저유황 경유에 의한 배출가스 저감에 관한 실험적 연구

An Experimental Study on Emission Reduction by Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel in Diesel Oxidation Catalyst of Heavy Duty Diesel Engine

  • 요용석 (국민대학교 기계·자동차공학부 대학원) ;
  • 강호인 (동해전문대학 자동차 서비스과) ;
  • 한영출 (정회원, 국민대학교 기계· 자동차공학부)
  • 발행 : 1998.05.01


Among aftertreatment devices which reduce exhaust gas of diesel engine, diesel oxidation catalyst(DOC) with high reduction efficiency for gaseous matter and particulate matter is now being studied actively. In this study, an experiment was conducted to analyze the effects of low sulfur diesel fuel in heavy duty diesel engine equipped with DOC. We tested to estimate change of engine performance for the low and high sulfur diesel fuels in a 11,000cc diesel engine equipped with DOC. We conducted test to estimate the reduction efficiency of exhaust gas in D-13 mode of heavy duty diesel regulation mode and in smoke opacity mode for two samples of high sulfur content (0.2%) and low sulfur content(0.05%)



  1. SAE 810263 The Effect of an Oxdation Catalyst on the Physical, Chemical, and Biological Character of Diesel Particulate Enission Hunter G;Scholl J;Hibbler F;Bagley S;Leddy D;Abata D;Johnson J.
  2. SAE 870251 Diesel Particulate SOF Emissions Reduction Using an Exhaust Catalyst G. Andrews;I. Ieozwr-Ejiofor;S. Pang
  3. SAE 950149 Global Trends in Diesel Particulate Control -A 1995 Update Michael Walsh
  4. SAE 902111 Reduction of Diesel Exhaust Emissions by Using Oxidation Catalysts Paul Zelenka;Klaus Osthathe;Ehbert Lox
  5. SAE 940239 Performance Characteristics of a Novel Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Ken Voss;Bulent Yavuz;Carol Hirt;Robert farrauto
  6. 디젤자동차 배출가스 허용기준 강화를 위한 연구 조강래(등)
  7. 대형대젤기돤이 디젤산하축매장치에서 저유황경유에 의한 배출가스저감에 관한 연구 김경배;한영출;강호인