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- Am J Pathol v.98 Chemically induced(Streptozotocin-Alloxan) Diabetes mellitus in the dog Black HE;Rosenblum IY;Capen CC
- J Am Anim Hosp Assoc v.22 Fanconi syndrome and acute renal failure associated with gentamicin therapy in a dog Brown SA;Rakich PM;Barsanti JA(et al.)
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- Clin Chim Acta v.127 Fructosamine: a new approach to the estimation of serum glycosyl-protein. An index of diabetic control Johnson RN;Metcalf PA;Baker JR
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- Annals Internal Med v.95 Glycosylated serum protein and hemoglobin A1 levels to measure control of glycemia Kennedy AL;Merimee TJ
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- Clin Chim Acta v.127 Protein glycosylation in diabetes mellitus: A review of laboratory measurements and of their clinical utility Mayer TK;Freedman ZR
- Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine (4th ed.) Diabetes mellitus Nelson RW;Ettinger SJ(ed.)
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- Diabetes Care v.2 Comparison of the metabolic response to a glucose tolerance test and a standardized test meal and the response to serial test meals in normal healthy subjects Owens DR;Wragg KG;Briggs PI(et al.)
- J Vet Intern Med v.7 Fructosamine. A new parameter for diagnosis and metabolic control in diabetic dogs and cats Reusch CE;Liehs MR;Hoyer M;Vochezer R
- Diabetes Care v.4 The dawn phenomenon, an early morning glucose rise: implications for diabetic intraday blood glucose variation Schmide MI;Hadji-Georgopoulos A;Rendell M(et al.)
- Europ J Clin Invest v.24 Effect of experimental non-insulin requiring diabetes on myocardial microcirculation during ischaemia in dogs Sebbag L;Rorrat R;Canet E
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- Advances in Diabetes Epidemiology Assessment of the OGTT in asymptomatic subjects Valleron A-J;Massari V;Eschwege E(ed.)
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