개에 있어서 약물에 의한 당뇨병의 유발과 혈당제어의 감시에 관한 연구 1. 세 가지 Fructosamine측정법의 비교 실험

Drug-Induced Diabetes Mellitus and Monitoring Hyperglycemic Control in Dogs 1. Comparison of Three Methods of Measuring Fructosamine

  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


The diagnosis of canine diabetes mellitus is generally made by measuring serum fructosamine levels. The Rosental's end points Tas and El Din's kinetic, and Johnson and colleagues'kinetic techiniques were compared for the measuring serum fructosamine levels. In the Rosental's end point methods within-run and between-run coefficient of variability (CV) were 2.4-3.5% and 6.8-8.5%, respectively, and in the Tas and El Din's kinetic method, within-run and between-run CV were 1.3-3.0% and 3.4-3.9%, respectively. In the Johnson and colleagues'kinetic methods within-run and between-run CV were 0-1.8% and 3.1-6.8%1 ruts- pectively. Hyperlipidemia induced by oral administration of 3 ml of corn oil per kilogram body weight did not affect serum fructosamine concentration significantly in the Johnson and colleagues' kinetic method Johnson and colleagues'kinetic method is most reliable and consistant on the basis of comparison study.



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