한국응용곤충학회지 (Korean journal of applied entomology)
- 제37권2호
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- Pages.187-191
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- 1998
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
새로운 Bacillus thuringiensis NT0423 균주의 배양체계
Establishment of Culture System of a New Strain NT0423 of Bacillus thuringiensis
새로운 Bacillus thuringiensis NT0423균주를 이용한 배양체계를 확립하고 대량생산을 위한 새로운 배양배지를 개발하였다 대두박과 밀기울의 다양한 성분비로 구성된 5종의 SW 배지는 기존의 인공합성배지인 GYS나 LB B. huringiensis 의 성장과 포자형성면에서 훨씬 우수한 결과를 보였고, 그중 대두박과 밀기율이 3:2의 비율로 구성된 SW32배지에서 전체 세포수가 3.9
For efficient and economical production of Btrc,illus tlz~rr.ingi~r1~sstirsa in NT0423 as amicrobial-control agents, a new culture medium and culture condition were developed. Five mediadesignatzd as SWI I , SW14, SW23. SW32 and SW4I were prepared ~ : i t hv arious mixture ratio ofsoybean cake and wheat bran. It was founcl that in terms of the cell growth rate and development ofsporulation of B, strain NT0423 in all SW culture media were more efficient than those inGYS and in LB media. Total cell number in all SW media showed similar values, hut SW32 lnediilm wasthe most efficient in the development of spore, which amo~~ntetod 3.7 x 10XC FUImI. Also. at the pHranging frorn 6.2 to 7.3 in the mediiun~ no ad\:erse effect was not made in the culture of B. thur-ingicnsisstrain NT0423. The optimal volume (%) of SW32 mecliuni in a 5 1 fernientor was determined as 4 8\rolume of total niediuni. resulting ill growth (4.2 x 1OTCFUlrnl) of H. t1~~irir1,yirrz.ssit.vr ain NT0423. As H.t l i ~ t r i t ~ g iw~ a~s~ csuil~tu rcd in the shakc-flash and 5 1 fcrnientor. bacterial cells were yielded to 1 X 10"CFUIml and 5 x I O1oCFLJlml.FUIml and 5 x I O1oCFLJlml.