A Robust Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Canceler Using Delayless Subband Adaptive Filter

  • Lee, Won-Cheol (Department of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Soongsil University)
  • 발행 : 1998.03.01


This paper proposes a new stereophonic acoustic echo canceler with deploying delayless subband adpative filters. Due to the storong correlation between stereo signals, a stereophonic acoustic echo canceler is suffering from the slow convergence and the misalignment for estimating impulse responses corresponding to true echo paths at receiving room. Specially, dual adaptive filters for echo cancellation are significantly affected by the abrupt change of the transmission room environment so that the impariments on voice communication could be experienced. To prevent these performance degradations, this paper proposes a robust subband echo canceler employing pre-processing block so as to enhance the convergence speed and provide the insusceptibility to the environment change at transmission room.
