- 예방의학회지 v.24 no.2 초음파로 진단된 지방간의 유병율조사및 그 유발인자에 대한 연구 안재억;함정오
- Hepatology Zakim,D.;Boyen,T.D.
- Pathology of the Liver Sherlock,S.
- Scand J Gastroenterology v.12 Fatty liver in patients with moderate alcohol consumption, diabetes mellitus and overweight Petersen,P.
- Progress in liver disease v.8 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Schffner,F.;Thaler,H.
- 대한소화기병학회지 v.19 no.2 간 지방 변성에 있어서 말단 간 세정액 주변 섬유화의 정도와 그 의의에 관한 연구 문성수;박찬일
- Digestive Diease v.20 Fatty liver biochemical and clinical consideration Hoyumpa,A.M.;Greene,H.I.;Dunn,G.D.
- 대한소화기병학회잡지 v.21 no.1 지방간의 임상적 고찰 박헌진;안정기;강원관
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- European J Clin Invest v.14 Hazards in subgroup of human obesity Bjorntrop,P.E.
- present knowledge in nutrition(5th ed.) Obesity Vasselli,J.R.;Cleary,M.P.;Van Itallie,T.B.
- JAMA v.249 Effect of alcohol intake on high density lipoprotein cholestrol levels in runners and inactive man Hartung,C.H.;Foreyt,J.P.;Michell,R.E.
- Cecil textbook of medicine Hepatic metabolism in liver disease Robert,K.O.;James, B. Wynggarrden(ed.);LIO-yd,H.S.,Jr.(ed.)
- Ultrasonography of digestive disease(2nd ed.) Weil,F.S.
- Amer J Clin Path v.28 A colorimetric method for deter-mination of serum glutamic oxaloacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminase Reitman,S.;Frankel,S.
- Clin Chem v.20 Optimized determination of γ-glutamyl transferase by reaction rate analysis Rosalki,S.B.;Tarlow,D.
- J Biol Chem v.193 Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent Lowry,O.H.;Rosebrough,N.J.;Farr,A.L.;Randall,R.J.
- Clin Chem v.18 Estimation of concentration of low density lipoprotein cholesterol without use of the preparation ultracentrifrge Friedewald,W.T.;Levy,R.I.;Fredrickson,D.S.
- Pediatrics v.82 no.3 Factors affecting the relationship between childhood and adult cholesterol levels. The mucatine study Lauer,R.M.;Lee,J.;Clarke,W.P.
- Mayo clinic diet manual(6th ed.) Gastineau,C.F.
- 식생활 핸드북 이양희
- Handbook of clinical nutrition(2nd ed.) Weinsier,R.L.;Heimburger,D.C.;Butterworth,C.E. Jr.
- 연세대대학원 석사학위논문 한국 정상성인의 혈청지질에 관한 연구 신현아
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- Harrison's principles of internal medicinel Infiltrative and metabolic disease affecting the liver Kurt,J.I.;Daniel,K.P.;Brauwald,E.(ed.);Isselbacher,K.J.(ed.);Paterdorf,R.G.(ed.)
- 카톨릭 대학 의학부 논문집 v.31 한국인의 alchol성 간질환 차상복;정철국
- AJR v.135 Irregular fatty in filtration of the Liver William,W.S. Jr.;Roger,C.S.;Stanley,S.S.
- 복부 초음파 검사상 지방간 유무에 따른 특성 비교 전흥원;김응수
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- Gastroenterol Clin North Am v.16 Fatty liver disease in morbid obesity Clain,D.;Lefkowitch,J.
- Medicline v.41 Fatty liveria study of 270 patients with biopsy proven fatty liver and a review of the liverature Leevy,C.M.
- 대한보건협회지 v.19 no.2 종합건강진단 수진자에 있어서의 비만지수와 검사소견과의 상관성 채영희;김병성
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- J Clin path v.26 Relationship between hepatic morphilogy and clinical and biolchemical fiding in morbidly obese patients Manes,J.L.;Taylor,H.B.;Starloff,G.B.
- 한국영양학회지 v.30 no.6 성인 남녀의 초음파조영술로 측정한 간지방밀도와 혈청지질과의 상관 관계 연구 한영순;송경희