표지유전자로 형질전환된 연초와 감자로부터 원형질제의 유리 및 융합

Protoplast Isolation and Fusion of Nicotiana glauca and Solanum tuberose Transformed by Selectable Marker Genes

  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


Protoplasts were isolated from mesophyll of tobacco(Nicotiana glauca) transformed with kanamycin-resistant gene (NPT II gene) and potato hairy root callus containing Ri plasmid of Agrobacterium rhiEogenes, and protoplasm fusion was made between the isolated protoplasts. The transgenic tobacco leaf tissue could grow on the media containing high concentrations of kanamycin, but not on the phytohormone-free media. On the other hand, the potato hairy root calli could be cultured on the phytohormone-free media but not on media containing more than 40 ㎍/ml kanamycin. In these conditions, the viability of both protoplasts were above 90%, These selection markers were used for the selection of protoplasts fused between the two, i.e. protoplast fusion was detected using selection media containing 100㎍/ml kanamycin and with no phytohormone. The mixture of 1.0% cellulase, 0.3% macerozyme, and 0.7M mannitol was best for the maximum protoplast production for tobacco, and that of 2.0% cellulase, 2.0% macerozyme, 1.0% dricelase, and 0.5M mannitol for potato. Both tobacco mesophyll and potato callus protoplasts were fused by using PEG solution on the selectable medium. Cell walls were regenerated after 5 days in this medium, and colonies were alive until 4 weeks after cultural, but died after 6 weeks.



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