부정극어 더이상의 분포와 의미-특히 부정함축술어와 관련하여-

The Distribution and Meaning of the NPI te isang

  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


This paper proposes a semantics of the Korean NPI te isang 'anymore', which occurs in negative contexts. The NPI te isang is characterized, in Zwarts's(1990) term, as a strong NPI which requires an anti-additive function as its licensor. It is also noted that te isang is licensed by 'implied negative predicates' such as shilheha-'hate' and phokiha-'give up' only when it occurs within a clausal argument of the implied negative predicates. This fact is accounted for in terms of the function-argument structure and the scope relation between the NPI te isang and the implied negative predicates involved.
