19세기 새로운 장식관의 형성에 관한 연구-G. 젬퍼의 피복론을 중심으로-

A Study on the Founding of a New View Point on Architectural Ornaments In 19th Century -Focused on the G.Semper's [Bekleidungstheorie]-

  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


In the Western Civilization you can clearly see the change in the architectural system. In the 19th Century many of arcitectural style resurrected in the appearance of style revival. And each of the Style's appropriateness and exactness were very complicatedly discussed. After the middle of 19th Century a series of morality movement which showed an expectation for a historical revival started to show declining atmosphere. To architects at the periods more universal formation seeking and new surpassing style pursuing logic has exacted which care from very different from the past During this period a question were brought up about architecture ornamental rightness and appropriateness. As each of the architects had a saying about the ornament was recognized as important part of architect. On this bases this study's purpose is finding out whst is the maeaning and content of G.Semper's "Bekleidungstheorie"



  1. The Machine Age R. Banham
  2. Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture:1750-1950 P. Collins
  3. The Interior Dimension J. M. Manlar
  4. R. Sensen & P. Conway
  5. Die vier Elemete der baukunst G. Semper
  6. Heirich Wofflin
  7. Der Stil in den technichen und tekonischen kustenorder Praktische Aesthetik(2nd recised edition) Gottfried Semper
  8. 日本建築學會計劃係 論文報告集 no.10月號 G.ゼムハ -の建築の四要素つぃて 川向正人
  9. 日本建築學會計劃係 論文報告集 no.9月號 G.ゼムハ -の被眼論の形成過程につぃて 川向正人
  10. 日本建築學會計劃係 論文報告集 no.12月號 1830年頃の 新しぃ 裝飾觀の 生成につぃて 川向正人
  11. SD, 8709 裝飾論がら 工藝論へ 川向正人
  12. On the Methology of History of Architectural History, Der Still, Gottfried Semper:1803-1879
  13. 추상과 감흥 Ⅰ 임석재
  14. 추상과 감흥 Ⅱ 임석재