It is character of Minimalism that representation as a simple shape extremely & objective acess that start from movement of visual art and part of music that began mainly at New York City in America at the end of 1960 period. Then in processing of development of Modernism Art it can be said that Minimalism reach the top of Modernism with that it carried out such character of formed Purity Doctrine of Modernism Art extremely and realized self-restorational character of Minimalism at the pictures that Minimalism is characterized by objectional clearness conceptual strictness reality and simplicity at the picture and by simplicity singularity uninterality and enviromentality at the sculpture. If we analyze Minimalic character in Interior design dividing into the density of space the principle of compound performance of touch and detail those are moderated and simple space simple and repeated compounding of geometrical line and shape the pure techniques of expression and the simplity of pure srtuctural -beauty in detail.