Microbiological Characteristics and Volatile Components of Deastringent Persimmon Vinegar

  • Hur, Sung-Ho (Institute of Food and Environment, Dongeui Institute of Technology) ;
  • Lee, Ho-Jae (Institute of Food and Environment, Dongeui Institute of Technology) ;
  • Lee, Tae-Shik (National Fisheries Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Lee, Won-Koo (Pusan Institute of Health and Environment) ;
  • Hong, Jeong-Hwa (Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, Inje University)
  • 발행 : 1998.09.01


Acetic acid producing bacteria were isolated from deastringent persimmon vinegar and the major bacterium was identified using morphological and biochemical tests. Acetobacter sp. AH-1 was motile, gram negative rod with catalase positive and oxidase negative. The strain can grow up to 5 % ethanol and 2% NaCl as well as 25% glucose. Optimum temperature and pH for growth were 3$0^{\circ}C$ and 5.0, respectively. Volatile constituents of persimmon vinegar were analyzed by purge and trap sampling . Acetic acid adn alcohol were the largest volatile compounds quantitiatively in persimmon vinegar. Among alcohols, 20methyl-1-propanol, isoamyl alcohol and amyl alcohol were detected. Isovaleradehyde and benzaldehyde for aldehyde, isoamyl acteate, ethyl formate, propyl aceetate, and ethyl acetate for esters were likely to contribute to persimmon vivegar flavor.
