음환경의 쾌적성에 관한 의미구조의 분석 II -소음의 심리적 평가요인과 속성-

An Analysis on the Structure of Meaning for Amenities of Sound Environment II -Psychological Evaluation Factors and Attributes of Noise-

  • 한명호 (서남대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 김선우 (전남대학교 공과대학 건축학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.08.01


The purpose of this study is to analyse the main factors and attributes of psychological evaluation to noise. For this purpose, a psycho-acustic experiment was conducted by using the method of rating scale. 52 subjects were participated in the experiment, 20 stimuli were presented to subjects in random order with 23 adjectives. As a result of factor analysis, it was found that the primary factors for evaluating the quality of noise subjectively are four factors of unpleasantness, intensity, irregularity, and sharpness. And, as a result of MDPREF(multi-dimensional analysis of preference data), it was found that the noise sources including the factors of unpleasantness, intensity, and irregularity are related to the sounds of hammering in construction field, car horn, road traffic, idling of car, and printing by computer printer, and the factor of sharpness are the sounds of car siren, claps of thunder, car horn, and snowstorm etc.



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  2. J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn(E) v.12 no.1 Verbal Expression of Emotional Impression of Sound : A Cross-Cultural Study S. Namba;S. Kuwano;T. Hashimoto;B. Berglund;Z. D. Rui;A. Schick;H. Hoege;M. Florentine
  3. Applied Psychology:an International Review v.38 no.4 Psychological Studies on Human Response to Noise in Japan S. Namba
  4. 한국소음진동공학회지 v.3 no.4 음의 심리평가를 위한 어휘의 유형화에 관한 연구 김선우;장길수;정광용;한명호
  5. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.14 no.4 음환경의 쾌적성에 관한 의미구조의 분석-음의 유형과 그 의미- 한명호;정광용;김재수;국찬;김선우
  6. 한국어 형용사사전 박준하;김병선(공편)
  7. 대한건축학회논문집 v.5 no.1 한국어에 적합한 명료도 시험기준의 설정 및 그 평가에 관한 연구(Ⅱ) -설정된 명료도 시험기준의 평가- 윤장섭;김선우;오양기
  8. Festschrift for Seiichiro Namba, Bibliotheks-und Informations system der Universitat Recent Trends in Hearing Research-Noise quality- S. Namba
  9. 마케팅 조사론 채서일
  10. 다차원척도와 컨조인트분석 이성근;배수현;김준환
  11. 日本音響學會誌 v.46 no.9 音の嗜好 - 個人差と文化による差 難波精一郞
  12. 日本音響學會講演論文集 音色の硏究(1)~ (18) 北村音壹(外)
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  14. 日本建築學會論文報告集 no.332 音の心理的屬性に關する因子分析 線淸人;佐藤哲身
  15. SD法によるイメ一ジの測定 岩下豊彦