구리증기레이저를 이용한 다이아몬드막의 가공

Machining of Diamond Films with Copper Vapor Laser

  • 박영준 (한국과학기술연구원 박막기술연구센터) ;
  • 백영준 (한국과학기술연구원 박막기술연구센터)
  • 발행 : 1998.01.01


Cutting and planarization of diamond films have been performed using copper vapor laser under air at-mosphere. Diamond films of about 350${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ and 800 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ thick have been synthesized with DC plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition. The position of a specimen has been controlled by computer-driven stage. With copper vapor laser beam of 7W cutting depth increases rapidly and saturates with increasing scan number and decreasing scan speed. 8 repetitive scans at scan speed 0.5 mm/sec produce the maximum cutting depth without focus shifting Rod-shape copper vapor laser beam can be made and used effectively in planar-ization of rough diamond surface.



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  4. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Applications of Dia. Films and Related mater v.885 Recent Advances in Diamond Based Multichip Modules(MCMs) A. P. Malshe;H. A. Naseem;W. D Brown;L. W. Schaper;A. Feldman(et al.)
  5. Dia. & Related Mater. v.5 The New Diamond-Coated Carbides Cutting Tools E. J. Oles;A. Inspektor;C. E Bauer
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  11. 레이저기술 v.43 no.8 엑시머레이러를 이용한 폴리우레탄의 미세가공에 관한 연구 김재구;이성국;황경현;윤경구
  12. Proc. of the 5th Workshop on Photoelectronics Instrumentation Copper Vapor Lasers-Principles and Key Applications K Errey
  13. Handbook of carbon, graphite, diamond and fullerenes H O. Pierson
  14. Basics of Laser Material Processing A. G. Grigoryants;P.S. Lvanov(ed.)
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  16. Applications of Dia. Films and Related mater Light-Induced Polishing of Diamond Films V. N. Tokarev;V. I. Konov;A. Tzeng(ed.)(et al.)
  17. Diamond and Related Materials v.4 Modeling of Self-Limited Laser Ablation of Rough Surfaces. Application to the Polishing of Diamond Films V. N. Tokarev;J. I. B. WIlson;M. G. Jubber;P. John;D. K. Milne