Photo-Induced Surface Relief Gratings in Main-Chain Azoaromatic Polymer Films

주쇄에 방향족 아조기를 갖는 고분자 필름상에 광에 의한 Surface Relief Grating의 형성

  • 이택승 (충남대학교 공과대학 섬유공학과)
  • Published : 1998.05.01


Two types of polyureas containing mono- and diazoaromatic groups in their main chains were synthesized via reactions between isophorone diisocyanate and corresponding diamines. Holographic gratings were fabricated on the polyurea films prepared by spin-coating from their solutions. Although the two polymers have relatively high glass transition temperatures (197$^{\circ}C$ and 236$^{\circ}C$), chromophore alignment was induced by laser beam irradiation at modest light in tensities. In a manner similar to low $T_g$ side-chain polymers regularly spaced surface relief gratings on the polymer film were also recorded upon exposure to an interference pattern of two polarized argon ion laser beams.



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