소화신산의 화산분화후에 성립한 두메오리나무 임분의 질소무기화와 질화작용 - NH$_{4}$

  • 문현식 (경상대학교 농과대학 산림과학부) ;
  • 춘목아관 (북해도대학 지구환경과학연구소)
  • Published : 1998.12.01


Nitrogen dynamics in mineral soils of an alder (Alnus maximowiczii) stand established on volcano Mt. Showa-Shinzan were measured by laboratory incubation method in order to clarify characteristics of $NH_{4}^{+}$ mineralization and nitrification rate, from August 1994 to July 196. Contents of total N and organic matter were relatively low, but increased in May-July. Extractable $NH_{4}^{+}$ concentrations and $NH_{4}^{+}$ mineralization were high in June and July, and decreased in midsummer and fall. Extractable $NO_{3}^{-}$ concentrations did not vary seasonally. Negative values at $NH_{4}^{+}$ mineralization and nitrification rate were observed in August and September. $NH_{4}^{+}$ mineralization was positively correlated with soil organic matter, and nitrification rates were influenced by extractable $NH_{4}^{+}$ concentration and $NH_{4}^{+}$ mineralization.



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