댐건설이 소나무의 연륜생장에 미치는 영향

Effects of a Dam Construction on the Radial Growths of Pinus densiflora

  • 정연숙 (강원대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


To elucidate the effects of a hydroelectric dam construction on annual ring growth of Pinus densiflora, the annual ring widths of 68 trees collected from 7 sites were closely examined. The result was analyzed to ask three special questions first, whether there are real effects of dam construction on the radial growth second, would the magnitude of the effect be different due to two periods of under-construction and post-construction the last, would it be different among age classes. Annual ring growth has been significantly enhanced by the dam construction. Specially, its effect was marked after the construction was finished and the reservoir was filled up with water. There was, however, no remarkable evidence that pine growth would be reduced while the dam was under construction, even though there was a minor decreasing trend. The magnitude of the effect was different among age groups. That is, the changed condition after the construction enhanced relatively the growth of aged trees monre. According to other meterological research since the dam was constructed, the reasons of enhancing pine growth assumed to be the increase of daily temperature, the decreased of daily temperature difference and the increased of rainy days.



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