CAD를 활용한 귀금속 장신구의 DESIGN에 관한 연구

A Study on the Ornaments Design of Jewels by CAD System

  • 김은주 (세종대학교 대학원 의상전공 박사) ;
  • 최덕환 (대전 보건대학 귀금속 공예학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.01


Ornaments is a province of the fashion. It usually express noble metals and jewel's adorn-ment as the symbol of status and riches for a long time. The ornament design of Jewels drawing project and a product by computer are increased development and as exertion as a realization of automation. Through the use of CAD software(Auto CAD R 13 & Jewel CAD) \circled1 A design development of the jewels in industrial society \circled2 A metals art & design on the dress and it's ornaments - Study about application of principle(liberal curve, arrangement of repeated form, gradual unity, rhythmical harmony) Although Auto CAD don't various expression of Jewels than a Jewel CAD, formative.scientific.funtional development of geometrical form is free. That is (to say), geometrical form is given much weigh in the general CAD, but Jewel CAD made concentrate software on the jewels design for the expression of liberal form. The CAD/CAM software for jewellery program is composed of main menu, icons, hotkeys. Changing form is derived from a definite point, curve elements of a drawing. \circled1 3-Dimensional \circled2 Easy and flexible \circled3 Bulit-in and self created library \circled4 From simple wire frame to full color images. As a CAD can practice all the creation activity effectively, from Design & Drafting Software to Rendering generally can present precise results. A point of view of the connection the scientist and art, this practicableness of CAD have a lot of possiblity of development. That will do much for the related fields of industry. Consequently, subjective intension of a creator & humanity with value plays role in practical application of the design.
