A Study on the Semiotic Application about the Image Vestmental

의상 이미지의 응용 기호론적 연구(I)-엘자 스키아파렐리의 3가지 의상 이미지에 관하여-

  • 최인순 (이화여자대학교 미술대학 장식미술학과)
  • Published : 1998.05.01


The purpose of this study is to define the fundamentals of one symbolic concept, so calles vestment-sign, based on the logical relationship of sign system about the trichotomy by charles S. Peice's sign concept for the communication system of meaning in the non-linguistic image domain. To prove the argument of vestment-sign, I selected 3 type of vestment language by styliste, Elsa Schiaparel-li. The third image vestmental chosen here, titled“Larme-Illusion(1938)”,printed by Salvad-or Dali will produce one symbolic proposition as a logical result which is generated and developed through the interpretation of other images. First of all the text, which is manifested by Elsa Schiaparelli's first image vestmental, tit-led“Notation Musical(1937)”and is symbolized as one category in the representation of the form, is regarded symbolic and metaphorical from a standpoint that the title and the meaning is connected to the form. The second image vestment, titled“Ruches Noirs(1938)”represents externally splendid feminity man-ifested by the symbolic and metaphorical expression. And the purity of sensitivity aiming to humanity in the detail of the poetic feeling of naturalism makes us imagine the battle fild of furious sensitivity. Like as the result of the battle, the third image stimulated our eyesight with the“absence”of dressing function. The proposition of the text,《Death》which the third image delivers, constructs sign system to bring up a meaning with the disappearance of physical“signifier”. This establishment of the symbolic concept presents the etymological authority of symbol generation called“Design”.
