- Biological Control in the Western United States, University of California Green peach aphid Biever KD;Nichols JR(et al)(eds)
- Biological Control in the Western United States, University of California v.52 Untersuchungen zur Vermehrung von Aphis fabae Scop. in Samenrubenbestanden unten besonderer Berucksichtigum der Schwebfliegen (Diptera, Syrphidae) Bombosch S
- Entomol Exp Appl v.46 Quantifying the effects of predators on aphid populations Chambers RJ;Aikman DP
- Environ Entomol v.25 Degree-day models for predicting levels of attack by slash pine flower thrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) and the phenology of female strobilus development on slash pine Fatzinger CW;Dixon WN
- Environ Entomol v.13 Seedcorn maggot (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) phenology in central lowa and examination of a thermal-unit system to predict development under field conditions Funderburk JE;Higley LG;Pedigo LP
- J Econ Entomol v.51 Natural enemies of the spotted alfalfa aphid in Utah Goodarzy KS;Davis DW
- Sixth International Conference on Computers in Agriculture Information delivery system links weather and crop production through integrated pest management Long G;Johnson DA;Ley T;Ro TH;Zazueta FS(ed)
- Introduction to Insect Pest Management The pest-management concept Lickman WH(ed.);Metcalf RL(ed.)
- Environ Entomol v.12 Day-degree methods for pest management Pruess KP
- Ph. D. Dissertation, Washington State University Analysis and simulation of the dynamics of a Myzus persicae (Homoptera: Aphidae) - predator complex community in the central basin of Washington Ro TH
- environ Entomol v.27 Predicting green peach aphid phenology using degree-days Ro TH;Long GE;Toba HH
- Z Angewan Entomol v.97 The role of ground beetles (Carabidae) as predators on early populations of cereal aphids in spring barley Scheller HV
- Advances in Potato Pest Management GPA-CAST: a computerized model for green peach aphid management on potatoes Smilowitz Z;Lashomb JH(ed.);Casagrande R(ed.)
- Advances in Potato Pest Management Biological control of potato pests Tamaki G;Lashomb JH(ed.);Casagrande R(ed.)
- Environ Entomol v.7 Predator complex of the Myzus persicae on sugarbeets: expansion of the predator power and efficacy model Tamaki G;Long GE
- J Entomol Soc B C v.74 Feeding potential of predators of Myzus persicae Tamaki G;Olsen D
- Environ Entomol v.2 The impact of predators on populations of green peach aphid on field-grown sugarbeets Tamaki G;Weeks RE
- Environ Entomol v.3 Predator power and efficacy: a model to evaluate their impact Tamaki G;McGuire JU;Turner JE
- Environ Entomol v.10 Evaluation of plant density and temperature in predator-prey interactions in field cages Tamaki G;Weiss MA;Long GE
- Ecology of Aphidophagous Insects The effectiveness of aphidophagous insects in reducing aphid populations van Emden HF;Hodek C(ed)
- Integrated Pest Management for Potatoes in the Western United States Western Regional IPM Project