- Oecologia v.83 The influence of deer browsing on the reproductive biology of Canada yew (Taxus canadensis Marsh). I. Direct effect on pollen, ovule, and seed production Allison TD
- Proc. Roysl. Soc. London. v.B 224 On the function of flowers Bell G
- Am. J. Bot. v.75 Effects of apex removal and nutrient supplementation on branching and seed production on Thlaspi arvense (Brassicaceae) Benner BL
- Oceologia v.90 The effects of grazers on the performance of of individuals and populations of scarlet gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata Bergelson J;Crawley MJ
- Science v.162 Plant-herbivore coevolution: lupinse and lycaenids Breedlove DE;Ehrlich PR
- Ecology v.73 Proximate limits to seed production in a herbaceous perennial legume, Lathyrus venosus Ehrlen J
- Oikos v.49 Variation in seed and seedling size: the effects of seed herbivores on Lomatium grayi (Umbelligerae) Ellison RL;Thompson JN
- Aust. J. Biol. Sci. v.26 Photosynthesis and assimilate distribution in Lolium multiflorum Lam following differential tiller defoliation Gifford RM;Marshall C
- Am. Natur. v.150 The effects of herbivory on paternal fitness in scarlet gilia: better moms also make better pops Gronemeyer PA;Bilger BJ;BOuzat JL;Paige KN
- Population Biology of Plants Haper JH
- Plant Reproductive Ecology Herbivoty and its impat on plant reproduction Hendrix SD;Lovett doust J(eds.);Lovett Doust L(eds.)
- Oecologia v.49 Plant-herbivore interactions: insect induced changes in host plant sex expression and fecundity Hendrix SD;Trapp EJ
- Evolution v.43 Floral herbivory in Pastinaca sativa: do compensatory responses offset reductions in fitness" hendrix SD;Trapp EJ
- Am. J. Bot. v.75 Effect of ovule position in the pod on parrerns of seed formation in two species of Lathyrus (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) Hossaert M;Valero M
- Korean J. Ecol. v.19 Positioin effect on abortions of reproductive characters in Vicia cracca (Leguminosae) Kang H
- Oecologia v.91 Variation in seed and seedling traits in Pithecellobium pedicellare, a tropical rain forest tree Kang H;Jaschek G;Bawa KS
- Am. J. Bot. v.78 Temporal variation of flower and fruit size in relation to seed yield in celandine poppy (Chelidonium majus; Papaveraceae) Kang H;Primack RB
- Korea J. Bot. v.36 Maternal and paternal effects on seed yield components in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Kang H;Yi S;Chang N-K
- Perspectives on Plant Cimpetition Herbivore influences on plant performace and competitive interactions Louda SM;Keeler KH;Holt RD;Grace JB(eds.);Timan D(eds.)
- Am. J. Bot. v.70 Sequential yield component analysis and models of groewth in bush bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) Lovett Doust J;Lovett Doust L;Eaton GW
- Ecology v.75 Effects of floral herbivory on maternal reproduction in Sanicula arctopoides (Apiaceae) Lowenberg GJ
- Am. Natur. v.131 Effective mate choice in wild radish: evidence for selective seed abortion and its mechanism Marshall DL;Ellstrand NC
- Am. Natur. v.134 The continuum of plant responses to herbivory: the influence of plant association Maschinski J;Whitham TG
- Am. Natur. v.144 The benefits of overcompensation and herbivory: the difference between coping with herbivores and liking them Mathews JNS
- Arct. Alp. Res. v.27 The effect of muskox herbivory on growth and reproductin in an Arctic legume Mulder CPH;Harmsen R
- Oecologia v.102 Seed predation, pathogen ingection and life-history traits in Brassica rapa Nakamura RR;Mitchell-Olds T;Manasse RS;Lello D
- Ecology v.78 Effects of roedents on survival of tree seeds and seedling invading old fields Ostfeld RS;Mandon RH;Canham CD
- Ecology v.73 Overcompensation in response to mammalian herbivoty: from mutualistic to antagonistic interactions Paige KN
- Am. Natur. v.143 Herbivory and lpomopsis aggregata: differences in reponse, differences in experimental protocol: a reply to Bergelson and Crawley Paige KN
- Am. Natur. v.129 Overcompensation in response to mammalian herbivory: the advantage of being eaten Paige KN;Whitham TG
- Ecology. v.72 Responses to simulated leaf and root herbivory by a biennial, Tragopogon dubius Reichman OJ;Smith SC
- J. Appl. Ecol. v.29 The fate of legume seeds eaten by sheep from a Mediterranean grassland Russi L;Cooks PS;Roberts EH
- SAS User's Guide : Statistics SAS
- Am. J. Bot. v.67 Reproductive capacity and seed size in Lupinus texensis Schaal BA
- Trends. Ecol. Evol. v.12 Stressing the differences between male and female functions in hermaphroditic plants Schlichting CD;Delesalle VA
- Oikos v.51 Maximization of densities of soil animals by foliage herbivory: empirical evidence, graphical and conceptual models Seastedt TR;Ramundo RA;Hayes DC
- Am. J. Bot. v.75 Ecological consequences and phenotypic correlated of petal size variatioin in wild radish, Raphanus sativus (Brassicaceae) Stanton ML;Prestoin RE
- Ecology. v.69 Determining the effects of herbivory using naturally damaged plants Strauss SY
- Am. Natur. v.147 Foliar herbivory affects floral charactet and plant attractiveness to pollinators: implications for male and female plant fitness Strauss SY;Conner JK;Rush SL
- Funct Ecol. v.4 Herbivory as a trigger for growth van der Meijden E
- Trends. Ecol. Evol. v.10 Sexual differences in plant developmental phenology affect plant-herbivore interactions Watson MA