MESOPUFF II모델을 이용한 서울시 $SO_2$배출량이 주변지역 대기질에 미치는 영향 분석

Effects of Emission from Seoul Metropolitan Area on Air Quality of Surrounding Area Using MESOPUFF II Model

  • 발행 : 1998.12.01


To study the influences of the emission sources during lune 13∼15 1997 in Seoul, MESOPVFF II model has been used. The MESOPVFF II model includes terrain effects, chemical transformation and removal processes. Data of 20 surface meteorological stations and the upper air station on mid-west area in Korea were used as a DWM (Diagnostic Wind Model) input data. This model is likely to be applicable because the predicted SO2 concentration was well matched with measured 502 concentration in Seoul and Kyonggido. In generally air pollutants in Seoul have major influence on the other cities but the result of modeling appeared also air pollutants of the other cities influence on Seoul. Finally, in the case of calculating the air quality by diffusion model, the influences of air pollutants emitted in metropolitan area as well as the emission rate in modeling area should be considered.



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