수리시설물 통합관리시스템 실용화 연구

A Practical Study of Unified Management System for Irrigation and Drainage Facilities

  • 발행 : 1998.06.01


About 50 percent of irrigation and drainage facilities in our country are deteriorated as they were constructed over 40 years ago. Worsening the problems in function might be caused by these facilities' constant exposure to the elements. With these reason, efficient maintenance and management of irrigation and drainage facili- ties are required. A computerized system is tailored on the basis of the each characteristics'data of irrigation and drainage facilities. The unified management system to be introduced in this study is a package program consisting of three subprograms. Facility Management(FM) system, the first component, is a relational database system for image processing and registering the characteristics of irrigation and drainage facilities. The objective of this program is to manage the ledger of each facilities and to scan the characteristics of facilities. Telemeter(TM) system, the second component, monitors and processes the data from the sensors statistically. This system is preprogramed for the complete design of TC/TM system. Hydrological Data Management(HDM) system, the third component, executes the hydrological analysis using meteorological data. The unified management system can provide the latest information, such as image data, lists and items of facilities, and items of reforming and rebuilding etc., of the facilities to the manager. At the same time, this system can manage hydrological and meteorological data in realtime.



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